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Fundamental parameters estimation with pyABC#

This is a simple example of how we can use a package like pyABC to estimate the fundamental parameters for an observed cluster. The user can combine ASteCA with any other package of their choosing, here’s a list with many Python-based MCMC and ABC packages.

We start by instantiating an isochrones object with a PARSEC isochrone. This is an example file but you can use whatever isochrone service fits your needs:

import asteca

# Isochrones parameters
isochs = asteca.isochrones(
    magnitude={"Gmag": 6390.21},
    color={"G_BPmag": 5182.58, "G_RPmag": 7825.08},
Processing PARSEC isochrones for 1 photometric systems, N_met=3, N_age=11...
Isochrone object generated

Next we instantiate a synthetic object, passing the isochs object we just created (we are using all defaults for the arguments here):

# Synthetic clusters parameters
synthcl = asteca.synthetic(isochs)
Setting random seed to 5967
Sampling selected IMF (chabrier_2014)
Generating binary data
Obtaining extinction coefficients
Synthetic clusters object generated

Now we load our observed cluster as a pandas.DataFile() object:

import pandas as pd

# Load the observed cluster with pandas. This is an example cluster used for this notebook,
# containing Gaia DR3 data.
cluster_df = pd.read_csv("../_static/cluster.csv")
Source RA_ICRS DE_ICRS Plx e_Plx pmRA e_pmRA pmDE e_pmDE RV e_RV Gmag BP-RP e_Gmag e_BP-RP
0 5.294007e+18 116.926707 -59.971297 2.444478 0.055783 -3.823004 0.072213 11.327068 0.066137 NaN NaN 17.220562 2.353176 0.003033 0.020111
1 5.290822e+18 119.845628 -60.539758 2.406173 0.010555 -4.326646 0.014603 11.360535 0.013301 10.732407 3.658482 11.636561 0.674869 0.002759 0.004736
2 5.290718e+18 119.229970 -60.969918 2.482821 0.039980 -4.641178 0.051320 11.626198 0.049038 NaN NaN 16.534834 2.064721 0.002884 0.008363
3 5.290824e+18 120.039325 -60.559838 2.370707 0.009734 -5.055073 0.013771 11.028563 0.013338 23.445436 2.213122 13.133640 0.938030 0.002774 0.004920
4 5.290718e+18 119.252806 -60.958203 2.452109 0.017472 -4.379975 0.021798 10.819984 0.021279 28.233957 3.800134 14.848411 1.378926 0.002775 0.005270
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2754 5.291168e+18 121.597787 -60.307589 1.951287 0.310851 -4.333724 0.380502 12.112275 0.368012 NaN NaN 18.393740 2.976241 0.005644 0.071329
2755 5.293993e+18 117.705883 -60.078370 1.955193 0.245248 -3.609582 0.269147 11.734518 0.411483 NaN NaN 18.541553 NaN 0.004193 NaN
2756 5.294558e+18 120.259144 -58.589986 2.154255 0.033122 -4.122722 0.041602 10.115008 0.042414 NaN NaN 16.089026 1.742559 0.002932 0.008040
2757 5.290987e+18 117.623671 -60.222913 2.374993 0.313164 -3.044262 0.381303 13.019140 0.360147 NaN NaN 16.817179 1.875015 0.003302 0.009500
2758 5.290899e+18 118.059779 -60.832867 2.962849 0.218314 -5.037473 0.277600 11.161381 0.245649 NaN NaN 18.660165 1.045468 0.004664 0.095967

2759 rows × 15 columns

and define a cluster() object using the column names and the DataFrame loaded in the previous step:

my_cluster = asteca.cluster(
Reading and processing cluster data
Cluster object generated

Finally, we need to calibrate our synthetic object and instantiate a likelihood object. For both operations we need to pass the my_cluster object we generated above.

To calibrate the synthetic object we also need to pass a dictionary with fixed parameters (optional, we could also not pass anything and fit all the available parameters). We chose alpha, beta Rv, DR as fixed parameters:

# Calibrate the `synthcl` object
fix_params = {"alpha": 0.09, "beta": 0.94, "Rv": 3.1, "DR": 0.}
synthcl.calibrate(my_cluster, fix_params)

then we instantiate a likelihood object, which will be used to quantify how similar our observed cluster is to the generated synthetic clusters:

# Instantiate the likelihood
likelihood = asteca.likelihood(my_cluster)
Likelihood object generated

We are now ready to begin the fundamental parameters estimation process with pyABC. pyABC works by minimizing the distance between our data (the observed cluster) and synthetic data (the synthetic clusters). We will need two convenience functions to do this.

The first function required is model(). This takes a dictionary with the parameters that are not included in fix_params when our synthcl object was calibrated. This dictionary is used to generate a synthetic cluster via the generate() method. The returned variable is a dictionary simply because this is what pyABC expects; this is not a requirement of ASteCA.

def model(fit_params):
    """Generate synthetic cluster. pyABC expects a dictionary from this
    function, so we return a dictionary with a single element.
    synth_clust = synthcl.generate(fit_params)
    synth_dict = {"data": synth_clust}
    return synth_dict

Since the likelihood() object by default returns a value that increases to indicate that the observed data and the synthetic data are more similar, we need to invert this value so that it decreases when the synthetic data approaches the observed data (because pyABC wants to minimize this value). We thus define a distance() function that inverts lkl using the max_lkl value which is the likelihood of the observed data evaluated on the observed data. I.e.: the largest value that the likelihood can ever return.

Notice that this function receives two arguments from pyABC but we only require one, hence the second argument is dismissed. The function makes use of the dictionary generated by the model() function, containing the synthetic cluster.

max_lkl = likelihood.max_lkl

def distance(synth_dict, _):
    """The likelihood is maximized for better fitted models but the pyABC
    distance requires minimization. Hence we normalize and invert.
    lkl = likelihood.get(synth_dict["data"])
    return 1 - lkl / max_lkl

Now we are ready to import pyABC and define the priors for the parameters that are being estimated (i.e: those that were not fixed).

First we use the min_max() method of the synthcl object to return the minimum and maximum values of the metallicity and the age of the isochrones we loaded initially (if you know these values or want to use a different range, this step can be skipped).

Notice that the priors defined this way for pyABC require using the minimum value and the desired range, not the maximum value.

import pyabc
import numpy as np

met_min, met_max, loga_min, loga_max = synthcl.min_max()

# Define a pyABC Distribution(). Uniform distributions are employed for all the parameters
# here but the user can of course change this as desired. See the pyABC docs for more
# information.
priors = pyabc.Distribution(
        "met": pyabc.RV("uniform", met_min, met_max - met_min),
        "loga": pyabc.RV("uniform", loga_min, loga_max - loga_min),
        "dm": pyabc.RV("uniform", 7, 10 - 7),
        "Av": pyabc.RV("uniform", 0, 2 - 0)

We create an ABCSMC object with the model and distance functions, as well as the priors defined earlier. A population of 100 is usually enough. The tempfile defined below is required by pyABC.

# Define pyABC parameters
pop_size = 100
abc = pyabc.ABCSMC(

# This is a temporary file required by pyABC
import os
import tempfile
db_path = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pyABC.db")
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ABC.Sampler INFO: Parallelize sampling on 8 processes.
ABC.History INFO: Start <ABCSMC id=19, start_time=2024-04-17 12:17:54>
<pyabc.storage.history.History at 0x7707b1e6fa10>

Finally, we can run pyABC to perform Approximate Bayesian Inference on our parameters. We set a small number of populations here as an example. Running for ~5 minutes is usually enough (see pyABC’s documentation on how to set up a maximum running time):

history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon=0.01, max_nr_populations=10)
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ABC INFO: Calibration sample t = -1.
ABC INFO: t: 0, eps: 1.77192402e-01.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 211 = 4.7393e-01, ESS: 1.0000e+02.
ABC INFO: t: 1, eps: 1.27492910e-01.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 202 = 4.9505e-01, ESS: 5.9175e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 2, eps: 8.84040262e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 283 = 3.5336e-01, ESS: 8.6136e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 3, eps: 7.12130204e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 286 = 3.4965e-01, ESS: 8.5843e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 4, eps: 5.86028047e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 373 = 2.6810e-01, ESS: 6.9961e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 5, eps: 5.16570282e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 425 = 2.3529e-01, ESS: 8.6747e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 6, eps: 4.57535894e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 364 = 2.7473e-01, ESS: 7.2535e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 7, eps: 4.06922561e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 315 = 3.1746e-01, ESS: 6.3599e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 8, eps: 3.74207691e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 499 = 2.0040e-01, ESS: 7.8705e+01.
ABC INFO: t: 9, eps: 3.47669247e-02.
ABC INFO: Accepted: 100 / 470 = 2.1277e-01, ESS: 7.2937e+01.
ABC INFO: Stop: Maximum number of generations.
ABC.History INFO: Done <ABCSMC id=19, duration=0:00:07.266089, end_time=2024-04-17 12:18:01>

We are now ready to extract a few important results, along with our fundamental parameters’ estimations.

The first line shows the final minimized distance between our observed cluster and the synthetic clusters that were generated. Usually a value below 10% (<0.1) means that a reasonable enough fit was found. Notice that this is true for an analysis like this one, where pyABC was used.

The following line extracts the DataFrame of the last run, and its associated weights. We use the weights to show the effective sample size. This value depends on the population size used above (pop_size) and should be large enough to allow decent mean/median/STDDEV values to be extracted.

Finally, the estimations for each fitted parameter is extracted from the DataFrame using the associated weights (again, this is a pyABC dependent method; other packages will do this differently)

final_dist = pyabc.inference_util.eps_from_hist(history)
print("Final minimized distance: {:.2f} ({:.0f}%)".format(final_dist, 100*final_dist))

# Extract last iteration and weights
df, w = history.get_distribution()

ESS = pyabc.weighted_statistics.effective_sample_size(w)
print("Effective sample size: {:.0f}".format(ESS))

print("\nParameters estimation:")
for k in df.keys():
    _median = pyabc.weighted_statistics.weighted_median(df[k].values, w)
    _std = pyabc.weighted_statistics.weighted_std(df[k].values, w)
    print("{:<5}: {:.3f} +/- {:.3f}".format(k, _median, _std))
Final minimized distance: 0.03 (3%)
Effective sample size: 73

Parameters estimation:
Av   : 0.526 +/- 0.226
dm   : 8.260 +/- 0.237
loga : 7.968 +/- 0.141
met  : 0.013 +/- 0.002

pyABC has many methods to visualize and analyze the results, see Visualization and analysis. We show here just a few:

pyabc.settings.set_figure_params("pyabc")  # for beautified plots

# Matrix of 1d and 2d histograms over all parameters
array([[<Axes: ylabel='Av'>, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >],
       [<Axes: ylabel='dm'>, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >],
       [<Axes: ylabel='loga'>, <Axes: >, <Axes: >, <Axes: >],
       [<Axes: xlabel='Av', ylabel='met'>, <Axes: xlabel='dm'>,
        <Axes: xlabel='loga'>, <Axes: xlabel='met'>]], dtype=object)
# Credible intervals over time
array([<Axes: title={'center': 'Parameter Av'}, ylabel='Av'>,
       <Axes: title={'center': 'Parameter dm'}, ylabel='dm'>,
       <Axes: title={'center': 'Parameter loga'}, ylabel='loga'>,
       <Axes: title={'center': 'Parameter met'}, xlabel='Population t', ylabel='met'>],

We can also use the methods defined in ASteCA to plot representations of the “best fit” synthetic clusters, either by themselves or along our observed cluster.

# Extract medians for the fitted parameters
fit_params = {
    k: pyabc.weighted_statistics.weighted_median(df[k].values, w) for k in df.keys()

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
synthcl.synthplot(fit_params, ax2, isochplot=True)